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Legislative Efforts

Every spring, BAAG supports busloads of Bangladeshi Americans to advocate and voice their opinions to elected assembly members and senators at the New York State Capitol in Albany, New York
Eid in CUNY & SUNY
Sponsors: Assemblyman Weprin
Senator Avella
Bill No.: A4930, S1560
Purpose: Relates to the observance of Eid Ul-Fitr and Eid Ul-Adha by institutions within the state university and the city university of New York.

Sponsors:  Assemblyman Moya

Senator Peralta

Bill No.: A3039, S471A 

Purpose: Enacts the New York state DREAM ACT by creating the New York DREAM fund commission and amends eligibility requirements and conditions governing certain awards.

Religious Garb

Sponsors: Assemblyman Weprin

Senator Avella

Bill No.: A4977, S1503

Purpose: Prohibits discrimination against religious attire and appurtenances thereto, including facial hair.

Climate and Community Protection Act

Sponsors: Assemblyman Englebright

Senator Avella

Bill No.: A8270A, S6617A

Purpose: Enacts the New York state climate and community protection act; relates to climate change; renewable energy program; labor and job standards and worker protection.

Halal Food in Public Schools

Sponsors: Assemblyman Sepulveda

Senator Diaz

Bill No.: A2473, S4950

Purpose: Requires public schools in any city with a population over one million to offer Halal food options during lunch.


Sponsors: Assemblyman Sepulveda

Senator Peralta

Bill No.: A9670, S7420 

Purpose: Relates to eligibility for the New York state excelsior scholarship for those enrolled in the federal deferred action for childhood arrivals program

Muslim Advisory Council

Sponsors: Assemblyman Sepulveda

Senator Parker

Bill No.: A3167, S2187

Purpose: establish a New York Muslim American Advisory Council to advise the Legislature on ways to advance the role and civic participation of Muslim Americans in New York

Past Advocacy Work:

DMV Applications in South Asian Languages

South Asian Curriculum

Minimum Wage 

Status Protection of Domestic Violence Victims

Environmental Protection Act 

Autism ID Cards

Election Tax Release Bill


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Phone: (646) 645-9727 or

(718) 450-1473




Address: 5320 37th Road,
Woodside, NY 11377

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